Kanab Utah

Kanab Utah
Our Beloved Town

Where Are They Now?

Take some time to share with us what you've been up to for the past 20 years. Yes it really has been that long. Be sure to share a fun memory or two as well.

Friday, June 20, 2008

What am I doing?

Just what am I doing, I am not sure I am still alive and things are going great for me and my family. Over the past 20 yrs I have seen and done many thing, somethings better than others but over all I have enjoyed. My family and I are moving back to Kanab, long story but sometimes you have a good thing looking at you in the face and you don't even know it until you move.

I have 3 children my oldest Tia 13yr old she is learn how to act as a teenager I just hope I can live through it. My second Toni 9yr old she is my sweetheart if I ever need a hug or someone that will just listen to an old man ramble she is it and I do take advantage of that as much as I can. My youngest a boy Taylor 7yrs old he is a challange and a blessing at the same time at age 3 we found out he was autistic he has many great and wonderful talents in the 2 grade he can type faster and spell better than I can but I love him it is just one day at a time. My wife is wonderful and I enjoy the time we get to share all 14 seconds of it a week together but I would not change anything.

School what can I say about that other than life at KHS was and adventure from Mrs. Buchanan in the office writing my made up excuss for missed or late classes to just sitting in the hall doing nothing. High school was great and I do miss the friendships that I had there I wish that we all could all be back for just one day just to remember and have a blast. Well need to go hope to see as many of you as I can in July. Shaun


IreneHunt said...

Shaun!! I can't wait to see you. You have such a great gift of making everyone feel so wonderful about themselves. So good to know what you're up to. See you soon!

Nicole said...

hey darlin! So glad you are moving back to Kanab so I can see you again :o)

Loves to your family!

Anonymous said...

What do you mean you aren't sure if you are alive?! Here's a tip... when you aren't sure about your mortality, just have one of your kids pinch you! If you feel, then all is well!!! Moving? Moving? I am so sorry! Not for whatever your reasons are, just the process - good luck!

Kerrie said...

Trust me I understand how you feel about the teenage thing shelby is 14 drives me crazy sometimes. can't wait to see ya. it sounds like things are going well. remember one thing god doesn't give you more than you can handle and it sounds like you and your wife have big hearts and a lot of patience. but you know i already knew you had a big heart

Tammi Shepherd said...

It is great to hear from you. I can't believe you are deserting me up there in the northwest. I have to say I am a little jealous that you get to be near your family. Good luck on your move and please keep in touch.

McKay said...

Wasn't Mrs. "B" the best? If you needed something, needed to get out of a jam you could count on here. What a great place we grew up and went to school. Fun stuff!

Sounds like your family is doing well. It doesn't matter how sure we are that we have life by the tail there is always some new adventure waiting to challenge us.

I hope your move goes well. I'm a little jealous. Sometimes the Kanab lifestyle sounds rather appealing. Trading in a long commute for a short drive or bike ride to work could be nice.