Kanab Utah

Kanab Utah
Our Beloved Town

Where Are They Now?

Take some time to share with us what you've been up to for the past 20 years. Yes it really has been that long. Be sure to share a fun memory or two as well.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Updated--3 July: Where are They Now - McKay Brown

I'm sad to say I won't be at the reunion. Since I won't be able to be there to see everybody I want to encourage everybody to post and share via this blog. I won't get to chew the fat with you all on Friday and Saturday. I hope you have a great time!

It's hard to believe that it's been 20 years. However, I'm starting to feel my age and then some. Who knew that before 40 one could be enjoying the pleasure of regular medicine to ward of the effects of gout and the inevitable heart attack due to elevated cholesterol. I think I'll start sitting on my couch more so that I deserve my medications! :)

Seriously though, life is good. Since high school at KHS I've enjoyed some time at BYU, lived in New York City as a missionary, married, worked and played dad. I'm enjoying life as I live Woodland Hills and work at Novell as an online magazine publisher and heading up our internal communications and customer success programs.

I recently finished an MBA program (not sure why I decided to do that after so many years in my marketing profession). And I'm enjoying life serving in my church as the children's primary song leader. I'm not very musical so it's a wonder to me how I landed that one.

In 1994 I married Lois Decker. She's from Provo and is pretty good at keeping me on task. We have four children ranging in age from 12 to 3 years. They're great!

Some of my fondest memories of high school include regular lunch trips with Kyle and Jed from which we knew we wouldn't return for Mr. Walker's class on time. We bribed him with an ice cream bar. As far as I remember I never received a tardy!

I'm enjoying life here in Utah. My family often visits Kanab to see grandparents and cousins. It's always fun! Hopefully I'll see you all at the reunion.


Richard said...

Hey McKay, nice blog. It is nice to see your all doing good. When can we get together again for a BBQ?

Nicole said...

Ahh! You're the Primary music leader?? I love it!! BEST calling ever. (and you ARE musical, McKay! Definitely.)

barb said...

hey "cowboys"! wish we could make it for the reunion. have to work. im in slc if anyone wants to chat. ph # 201 3271. keep me posted. i will contribute my blog soon. have had a lot of changes in the last 20. take care, barb jarmon smolka

Kerrie said...

Hey McKay great idea for the blogging. looking forward to seeing everybody for the 4th. i'll get my blog on here soon. funny you are feeling old and i am feeling younger that i ever have

IreneHunt said...

Good to hear about all you're up to! Thanks for putting this up.

I think it's too cool that you're the Primary Chorister. How fun -- I have some fun ideas if you need some inspiration.

Can't wait to see you.

shaun said...

McKay, just wanted to say thanks for starting this it is nice to here that aleast some of the class is still alive, ha ha. It will be nice to see everyone again and just remember when we were just a little bit younger and with hair. takecare shaun

azworkinwifenmom said...

Thanks so much for creating this site, McKay! That photo of you and your family looks great. Please tell Lois hello for me. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for starting this blog! It is a fun way to keep in touch! Your list of top 10 songs had me and Damon up until 1am the other night as we had to find the top 100list of songs from 1988 and not only find it - listen to many of the songs! Gotta love youtube! I'm gonna seeing you and everyone at the reunion! Take TONS of pictures to post!

Anonymous said...

I hate finding my typos after I've published a comment! I missed the word MISS! Go figure! It should have read... I'm gonna MISS seeing you and everyone at the reunion!

Kerrie said...

good news i will be able to come to the reunion my surgery is scheduled for the 11th so I am still waiting to hear about when Trav leaves for Junction but will let you know by next monday on that one ttyl